Traditional households in Ciucsângeorgiu

In Transylvania, across green hills and rich forests, we discover in the villages of Ciucsângeorgiu and Bancu households with generous wooden verandas and imposing gates.

The architecture recalls times when beauty was found in the simplicity of each detail: the candle on the table, the shutters, and the pillars of the veranda, all made of wood, the beam decorated with ancient floral motifs, and the courtyards preserving the secrets of a rich history and hard work. Centuries ago, the inhabitants here created a defining architecture based on simple geometric forms and local materials: stone, wood, clay, and shingle.

Each construction bears the mark of craftsmanship, consisting of carefully placed timber logs on a solid stone foundation, under a four-sided roof, initially covered in shingle. Today, each house preserves a testimony of the past, engraved on its beam - the year it was built, a tribute to the tradition and craftsmanship of the place.

The people here welcome you with open arms and warm hearts, reverently preserving the ancient heritage of fieldwork and animal care.

Ciucsângeorgiu is a place where time seems to have stopped, where tradition lives in every heartbeat of the local community. Here, you will find not just a village, but a true corner of paradise where tradition harmoniously complements the present.

Location and Accessibility

The commune of Ciucsângeorgiu is situated in the northeastern part of the Lower Ciuc region, at the foot of the Fişag Valley and the Ciuc Mountains. It covers an area of over 240 square kilometers, predominantly mountainous, with significant forested and pasture areas.

The population of approximately 5,000 inhabitants is concentrated in the villages along the Fişag and Toplița valleys, but there are also hundreds of residents living in the forest villages: Cinod, Eghersec, Ghiurche, and Coibăniş.

The commune comprises 10 villages: Potiond, Armăşeni, Armăşenii Noi, Ciucsângeorgiu, Bancu, Cotormani, Cinod, Eghersec, Ghiurche, and Ciobăniş.

Brief historical insight

Ciucsângeorgiu was first mentioned in the papal register of 1332 under the name Sancto Georgio, meaning Saint George.

An important discovery was made by a local resident in the village of Cotormani. It is a double cross, dating back to the early 13th century, being a late copy of Kiev pieces from the 11th-12th centuries.

Audio Guide

Traditional households in Ciucsângeorgiu

Ciucsângeorgiu, județul Harghita

0266331603 - Primăria Comunei Ciucsângeorgiu


in proximity



Landmark access

bicycle, walking, by car


Other landmarks from Route of villages with traditional architecture
