The rural site of Câlnic


If you set off on the road that winds through the hills of Secaș Land, know that you are not in France or Italy, but heading towards Câlnic Fortress, which represents one of the most important monuments of medieval architecture in Transylvania. It is part, together with the rural site of which it is part, of the UNESCO World Heritage List and was built in the 13th century, originally as a noble residence.

Brief historical foray

The fortress can be dated to the second half of the 13th century. It was founded by the Counts of Kelling (the German name of Câlnic), who are mentioned in documents for the first time in 1269.

The oldest part of the fortress is the donjon tower called "Siegfried", whose massiveness impresses visitors. In the beginning, it was intended as a residential tower, with a chimney whose location can still be seen today. From the ground floor, through the wall, a staircase led to the first floor, and from there, further, to the second. The top floor was raised later. The age of this tower, the 13th century, is indicated by a narrow window ending in a Romanesque semicircle.

In 1430, the fortress was sold to the inhabitants of Câlnic. They adapted it for defense with firearms, and later erected a chapel in the inner courtyard. The small chapel with the semi-circular end of the choir, which is also inside the fortress, can be dated to the same era. It has a length of 12 m and a width of 7 m, having simple shapes. Inside the chapel are preserved fragments of frescoes from the beginning of the 16th century and a beautiful wooden tribune decorated with panels painted in the Renaissance floral style.

Along the walls, storerooms and shelters were built on the inside because, too many times, the fortress was attacked. When times calmed down, it was given new life: the chapel was turned into a church for the winter, and the interior of the fortification was used for community, cultural and other events. 

Priceless treasures

During the 1868-1869 restoration, the community bought a new organ from the Hesse company in Vienna.

In the cellars of the tower there are huge oak barrels of 5000-6000 liters, reminiscent of the famous vineyards in the surroundings.

An ethnographic museum is set up in the tower, which includes a rich collection of ceramics, musical instruments, old furniture and items of folk wear, as well as a stand for the sale of folk-art objects, books or art albums.

The central area of the town is also a point of attraction. Here we discover Troița "Prayer for Romania" and the houses dating from the 19th century, even the town hall.

Unique experiences

Today, Câlnicul offers many opportunities to travelers. Of special beauty is the museum set up in the keep tower with old objects from the locality, but also others, from all over Romania. On the map of your future trip to Transylvania, add it to your list, it's really worth it!

In the vicinity of the locality, you can visit Gârbova commune with the medieval Fortress and Bacon Tower, Reciu commune with the fortified church and the picturesque village of Deal. Just 13 km away, you can visit the medieval town of Sebeș with its monumental fortified church or the spectacular nature monument at Râpa Roșie.

Also nearby, at approximately 28 km, you can visit the City of the Great Union in 1918, Alba Iulia, with numerous tourist attractions: the Museum of the Union, the Alba Carolina Fortress, the Coronation Cathedral in Alba Iulia or the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Saint Michael.

Sibiu is only 45 km away and offers an impressive number of tourist attractions, among which we mention: the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Brukenthal National Museum, the ASTRA Museum or the Evangelical Cathedral of Saint Mary.

Audio Guide

The rural site of Câlnic

Câlnic, județul Alba


 adult: 15 lei/person | senior/cchild: 10 lei/person 




Sanitary group in the location or proximity




Access facilities for disabled people


Payment methods




Access and entry

 access is based on a ticket. 

Landmark access

bicycle, walking, by car

Tourist guide

 romanian, english, german 

















Other landmarks from Route of fortified churches
