The Path of the Shepherds

On the high trails of the Șureanu Mountains, where the sky touches the mountain peaks, lies a unique thematic route: the Path of the Shepherds. Located at over 2,000 meters altitude and accessible through the Transalpina, Romania's highest mountain road, this path is an invitation to discover the culinary and pastoral traditions of the area. 

Surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, the Path of the Shepherds is a 25 km trail that traverses a rich area steeped in history. The trail, marked with yellow dots and wooden signs, offers a truly adventurous hiking and exploration experience. Our recommendation is to split the trail into two days, with a stop at one of the cabins or guesthouses in the area. 

The Șureanu Mountains, part of the Southern Carpathians, are a paradise for grazing. Here, the tradition of transhumance defines the local culture. Shepherds take their flocks to the alpine pastures, an ancestral custom that begins every spring and ends in the autumn. 

The Path of the Shepherds will lead you through this tradition of shepherding, to 6 traditional sheepfolds. Each fold will offer you the opportunity to participate with body and soul in the usual activities: milking sheep, making cheese or whey. Natural products and culinary preparations are certainly the treasures of this experience: cow and sheep dairy products, balmoș, "înturnat", veal or lamb stew, all expertly prepared by locals. Additionally, here you will taste products specific to the area, such as "Cami" Cheese from Loman, sheep cheese in brine, or trout in oil or sauce, specialties of the village of Mărtinie. 

A particularly unique traditional dish is "Înturnat", a combination of sour cream, cheese, bread, and salt. For the preparation of "înturnat", sweet cream and cheese are needed, not fresh, but leavened or matured, or "Loman cheese", a traditional certified product. The bread should be drier, older, preferably a day old. The cream is boiled with a little salt. After it starts boiling, add the bread cut into pieces. Allow them to boil together so that the cream permeates the bread. Then remove from heat and add the cheese or cheese cut into small pieces. Mix and incorporate. "Înturnat" is eaten when warm, and the tastiest "înturnat" is prepared in a cauldron, at the sheepfold, during the sheep grazing in the mountains. 

In addition to gastronomy, the trail invites you to explore natural and historical attractions, such as the Șureanu glacial lake, the Șureanu waterfall, the Șureanu Peak, or the Dacian fortress at Căpâlna, part of the UNESCO World Heritage. And for golf enthusiasts, the "Paul Tomița" golf course in Pianu offers a sporting experience in an impressive natural setting. 

While enjoying the beauty and traditions of the Șureanu Mountains, don't forget to plan a few visits to sheepfolds, contacting their owners in advance. This culinary and cultural experience is one you won't soon forget, as it is a journey into the heart of Romanian traditions, in a dreamlike landscape. 

The dishes registered as traditional in this area are: 

  • "Cami" Cheese from Loman, Loman village, Săsciori commune
  • Balmoș, Șugag commune, Săsciori commune, Pianu commune 
  • Sheep cheese in brine, Șugag commune, Săsciori commune, Pianu commune
  • Înturnat, Șugag commune, Săsciori commune, Pianu commune
  • Sloi, Șugag commune, Săsciori commune, Pianu commune
  • Trout in oil from Mitică, Mărtinie village, Șugag commune
  • Trout in sauce from Mitică, Mărtinie village, Șugag commune 

Most of the products and preparations can also be found and purchased at gastronomic events in the area:

  • Șugag, Weekly Agri-Food Market
  • Șugag, Annual Crock Market
  • Șugag, Bade cu fluiera Day, Annual
  • Săsciori, Weekly Fair
  • Săsciori, Onion Fair, Annual
  • Sheep Descent at Loman
  • Pianu, Monthly Fair
On these occasions, craftsmen who offer their products for sale can also be frequently encountered.

Audio Guide

The Path of the Shepherds

Județul Alba


Other landmarks from Route of traditional Romanian gastronomy
