„Maramureș, land with dishes with corn flour" - Maramureș Land and Lăpuș Land

In the heart of Maramureș, where the mountains rise proudly and the woods watch over the scattered villages, there are the two lands where ancient traditions and rich culture give life to immortal stories: Maramureș Land and Lăpuş Land. Located in the north of Romania, on the border with Ukraine, they open their doors to share their treasures with every traveler willing to discover their wonderful lands. From the high mountains of Rodna to hills and plateaus adorned with the green of forests and meadows, the land of Maramureș captures wild nature and cultural diversity merging together.

The gastronomy of Maramureș, a treat for the senses and the soul, represents a mixture of traditions and multicultural influences specific to this area. Cornbread, coleșa, or as it is also called, polenta, reinterpreted in various combinations, meat rolls in stevia leaves, and Maramureşe pies, are just some of the culinary delights of this region. And two of the local recipes certainly enrich the charming tastes of these lands: the sâmatisa cake and picioici cake. Right here, where the mountains and forests whisper their legends, these two recipes of a rare flavor are born.

The sămătişa cake finds its roots in the sămătişa, the milk that the local elders collect with care and respect for the ancient customs. Then add a fine drizzle of sugar, a pinch of salt, baking soda, and eggs. Corn flour is mixed with wheat flour and forms an enchanted dough that will be baked under the stars.

The picioici cake is an enchantment of taste. When the crushed potatoes and salted with salt merge with a layer of eggs and cream, and the fried bacon and cheese complement this dish with their color and flavor, this gastronomic gift of the lands is created, a miracle for the Maramureş cuisine and a joy for those who taste it.

These recipes are not just dishes. Every taste, every aroma, every texture, in Maramureș is an invitation to fantasy and to childhood, and every mouthful is a journey into the heart of a fairytale land.

The fabulous recipes can be enjoyed at local gastronomic points, in restaurants in the county or by participating in cultural-culinary experiences.

Among the specialties of Maramureș certified as traditional products, we note "Petrovan" cascaval, "Petrovan" kneaded cheese, "Petrovan" telemea from Valea Stejarului, sheep sausages and "Tomoioagă" sheep pastrami from Vișeu.

In a culinary journey in the heart of Maramureș, the traveler will discover not only authentic tastes, but also a part of the soul of this land where every person carries a story, and every meal turns into an occasion of celebration and joy. 

Experiences and events:

  • Experiences related to traditions and popular holidays such as Joc la Șura, Hora la Prislop, Clăci la coasa, Christmas and other holidays.
  • Tourist packages that promote local culture and that contain a gastronomic component:
- picnic at Mocăniță https://mocanita-maramures.com/
- the story of hay, wood, wool, the story of the Haiduk's farm, picnics on hiking and bicycle tours https://www.ecomaramures.com/
- ecotourism in protected areas: http://www.maramuresgreenways.ro/
  • The tradition of socacita who cook for the community in historic Maramureș - they are one of the best sources of knowledge of the local specifics and represent a factor of uniqueness compared to other regions in Romania.
  • Visits to the stable in areas with a pastoral tradition in Suciu de Sus, Ciolt, Breb
  • Restaurants have begun to develop in the area that seek to integrate into the local specifics from an architectural point of view and that promote the regional culinary heritage, being true ambassadors in this sense: Casa Iurca de Călinești, Hanul lui Cobâlă, Bică Haiducul, Păstrăvăria Alex, Plai cu Peri Săpânta
  • Events dedicated to gastronomy: at the Maramureș Village Museum – Sighetu Marmatiei Maramureș Museum / workshops and recipe demonstrations through the GastroEtnoArt project, specialty fairs and markets with local producers. https://muzeulmaramuresului.ro/
Craft experiences play a very important role for the region and are often directly related to gastronomy, e.g. Mecleș's mill from Săcel. List of craftsmen https://www.visitmaramures.ro/ro/places?cat_type=5d989zejagd1vg

Audio Guide

English - part I
English - part II
„Maramureș, land with dishes with corn flour" - Maramureș Land and Lăpuș Land

Județul Maramureș


Other landmarks from Route of traditional Romanian gastronomy
