Taste The Geopark

Discover the Buzău Land Geopark, a unique region where the Carpathian Mountains gracefully curve, creating a rural landscape of rare beauty, stretching over approximately 1036 km2. Here, in an area of hills and mountains, live approximately 43,000 inhabitants, heirs of a history dating back to the Bronze Age. The Geopark stands out through the promotion of sustainable development, improving concepts of social, cultural, educational, and economic progress.

Exploring this territory can be done by traversing the five accessible valleys from the National Road: Sibciului Valley, Bălănesei Valley, Sărățelului Valley, Slănicului Valley, and Râmnicului Valley. These valleys symbolize hospitality, culture, and local gastronomy. Buzău Land is defined by the authenticity of traditional villages, where residents live in harmony with nature, preserving ancient techniques and customs. Natural elements such as live fires, rock settlements, mud volcanoes, prehistoric volcano ash, trovants, salt massifs, and amber, are all united by an essential element in gastronomy: salt.

Buzău Land's gastronomy reflects an impressive diversity, influenced both by local traditions and recent innovations. Among the traditional dishes are Buzău babic soup, goat cabbage rolls, "vârzobul" (a type of cornmeal dish), ember-cooked "bulz," lamb stew, thick noodles with chicken meat, grilled babic fish, or various cheese pies.

Local culinary experiences include grinding workshops, medicinal plant preparation sessions, hikes to rock settlements with picnics, relaxation, and mindfulness activities. Additionally, educational excursions, truffle hunting, and picnics are an integral part of the culinary offer, with an emphasis on local and traditional products. The region's flagship products, such as Pleșcoi sausages, babic fish, "ghiudem" (dried sheep meat), and sheep pastrami, reflect the richness of the local heritage.

Pleșcoi sausages, in particular, represent a culinary treasure of the region, being recognized at the national and European levels. These sausages are made from finely ground sheep meat, seasoned with garlic, thyme, basil, and salt, then stuffed into natural sheep membranes and smoked. Their distinctive taste comes from the red hot pepper in the composition, offering a unique culinary experience.

These cylindrical sausages, 15-18 centimeters long and approximately 50 grams in weight, have a history dating back to the Russo-Turkish wars period, when Serbians and Bulgarians settled in the Buzău area, in Pleșcoi. The tradition of making these sausages has been passed down from generation to generation, becoming a primary source of income for the community and a symbol of the area.

Buzău Land is also renowned for Berca goat cheese, sheep cheese in brine, and a variety of vegetables, pickles, and honey. Local beverages, such as mead, craft beer, forest fruit wine, sea buckthorn liqueur, and plum brandy, complement the gastronomic experience.

A symbol of Buzău, Buzău pretzels, are appreciated for their unmistakable aroma and crispy texture. These pretzels are made from a simple yet extremely tasty dough, made from flour, water, yeast, salt, and vegetable oil. After shaping into a ring and passing through a mixture of water with baking soda, the pretzels acquire a golden crust and a crispy texture, perfect to be enjoyed for breakfast or as a snack.

In Ținutul Buzăului (Buzău Land), you will discover not only a rural landscape of rare beauty but also an authentic culinary experience that will offer you the opportunity to explore and savor local flavors in an impressive natural setting.

Băcănia lu'Nea Ticu:
+40 741 085 086 - Pleșcoi (com. Berca)
Conacul Grigorescu:
Moara Veche:
+40 755 031 440 - Str. Șoimului 282, com. Berca
Zestrea Bisoceană:
+40 755 031 444 – com. Berca

Local Gastronomic Points :
Pensiunea Casa Matei:
La Motoare:
+40 761 841 683 - Str. Principala, Nr 4, com. Tisău
Pensiunea Poiana Mărului:
Pensiunea Carmen:
+40 723 060 553 - sat Niculești, com. Vintilă Vodă
Zestrea Bisoceană:

Audio Guide

English - II
English - I
Taste The Geopark

Județul Buzău

0238414112 - Consiliul Județean Buzău


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