Route of monasteries in the Moldavia

The Essence of the Romanian Soul: The Monasteries of "Bucovina under Heaven".

On the Monasteries Route in Moldova, we deeply encounter the Romanian heritage, built, crafted, or narrated. Both foreigners and Romanians alike are called by the toll of the bell, and we bow our heads at the sound of the morning chants. We seek shelter just like the pious rulers of yore and enrich ourselves with the beauty of mural paintings in red at Humor, yellow at Coșula, or green at Arbore.

Here, we discover the most inspired paintings, the most intricate embroideries, all laid out over long years of craftsmanship and prayer. Treasures of the Romanian national heritage, some have recently received UNESCO recognition, and we, as travelers, respectfully cross their threshold.
Under rehabilitation Visitable

Arbore Monastery

It all started when Luca Arbore, great boyar and nephew of Stephen the Great, built a domain for his large family, comparable to voivodeship settlements. And in less than half a year, in 1502, he also built a church, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, as a premonition. In 1523, because he did not renounce his faith, Luca Arbore will be beheaded, along with his sons. The founder thus ends up like Saint John the Baptist, protector of his church. Their graves are in the church.At no other monaster

DN2K, Strada Principală nr. 734, Arbore 727015, Romania
Temporarily closed Under rehabilitation

Bisericani Monastery

A unique story, in which legend intertwines with history, is waiting to be discovered at the Bisericani Monastery.How did it happen? Pious Joseph from Bistrita went to worship at the Holy Sepulcher and became a hermit in the Jordan desert. It seems that fifteen more Romanian and Greek monks gathered around him, all of them living in prayer in the caves of the Jordan Valley.However, after the Arab invasion of the Holy Land, Pious Joseph and his disciples returned, living in stone caves or hove

Strada Fermei nr. 1, Bisericani, Neamț, Romania

Coșula Monastery

In the year 1535, on the banks of the Miletin River, rose the Coșula Monastery founded by the counselor of Prince Petru Rareș, the treasurer Mateiaș. It bears the dedication to "St. Nicholas" and is considered one of the prominent places of worship in Botoșani County.The church was painted between 1537-1538. The exterior fresco, which also used the legendary pigment "Coșula yellow," impresses with its uniqueness, being the only monastery that had its exterior painted at that time.The interior

DJ208H, Coșula, Botoșani, Romania

Dimitrie Cantemir Monastery

If you set off on the Moldavian roads, you can't help but end up in the Elan valley, Dimitrie Cantemir commune, on lands full of history and spirituality. Dimitrie Cantemir Monastery is one of the monastic hearths that carries and maintains the thread of the history of the Romanian nation.According to the legend of the place, on the edge of Grumezoaia village, near the monastery, there is Tolontan's oak, to which it is said that the ruler Ștefan cel Mare tied his horse. From there he came on

Strada Principală nr. 72, Grumezoaia 737191, Vaslui, Romania

Florești Monastery

Monastic life in this land of Vaslui county reaches back into history to the time of Stephen the Great, when a small hermitage was built on the ruins of another foundation, becoming Florești Monastery. It was once under the administration of Mount Athos, led by Greek abbots, until 1863, when, following the secularization of monastery assets, their influence came to an end.Legend has it that during Cuza's reign, upon hearing that Florești Monastery was led by the merciless Greek abbot Nil, who

Strada Alexandru Ioan Cuza nr. 1, Florești 737417, Vaslui, Romania

Grăjdeni Monastery

The origin of the Grăjdeni Monastery is lost in the mists of history, but a legend remains to fill the void of evidence: a living one, very widespread. It is said that Petru Rareș would have passed with the chariots from Galaţi to Suceava and, one night, he stopped at some stables that served as a rest stop for the horses' food and rest. Here he fell asleep under a tree and had a beautiful dream, in which the two hills ahead were golden and worshiped him, and a swarm of bees came out of his mou

Fruntiseni, Romania
Under rehabilitation Visitable

Mălinești Monastery

In the immediate vicinity of the village of Gârceni, on a high plateau surrounded by ancient forests, lies a place that seems suspended between heaven and earth. Mălinești Monastery represents one of the oldest monastic settlements in Vaslui county.According to legend, before a battle with the Turks, Stephen the Great stopped in the area of Gârceni with his army for three days and three nights, near the hermitage where the hermit Mălin lived. The voivode promised the hermit that, in case of vi

Strada Principală 105, Gârceni, Vaslui, Romania
Temporarily closed Under rehabilitation

Pârvești Monastery

Pârvești Monastery remains a living, steadfast presence, despite all the trials it has gone through over time. This reminds us of a world that is rapidly setting, where beauty meant naturalness, and joy, candor, and harmony between people were highly prized.The main church of the monastery, dedicated to "Saint Hierarch Nicholas" and built between 1816-1820, is one of the most remarkable wooden buildings in the entire Eparchy of Husi.It is said that a Russian officer who passed through thes

DJ245L, Strada Mănăstirii nr. 30, Pârvești 737148, Vaslui, Romania

Putna Monastery

On a dark night, while Daniil the Hermit prayed in the depths of his cell, Stefan-Voda arrived at his place. The Hermit led the prince to a nearby high place, from where he showed him some lights in the valley, and where angelic chants could be heard. The Hermit then told the ruler that there he should build a monastery in honor of the Mother of God. The ruler listened to his advice and laid the cornerstone of the monastery on July 10, 1466. The construction lasted three years. Stefan-Voda's

Strada Principală nr. 201, Putna 727455, Romania