The Mikes-Szentkereszty Mansion

In the tranquil village of Zagon in the Târgu Secuiesc depression, awaits a true cultural refuge, the Mikes-Szentkereszty Mansion. The building is recognized as the birthplace of Mikes Kelemen, considered the first writer of fiction in Hungarian literature.

Architectural features

The mansion conquers you with the charm of the Transylvanian Baroque, a construction specific to the residences in the area. You will find here the first exact date, 1632, marked on a beam next to the monogram of Kelemen's great-grandfather, who was a member of one of the richest families of noblemen in Transylvania.

Now, at an architectural level, the building stands out with its high roof, but in the old days the interesting part was the intertwining of the traditional Szekler style and the oriental style, marked by "bulb"-shaped domes. The lush vegetation, also visible in 19th-century vintage images, including a huge cactus and the porch entirely covered in ivy, enhanced the oriental atmosphere and, at the same time, the family status.

The story of Mikes Kelemen

You will feel the spirit of Mikes Kelemen at every step. In the garden of the parental home, you will find "Mikes' Oaks" - 2 trees over 330 years old, said to have been planted at his birth by his father. One of the oaks will leave a strong impression. It was transformed into a sculpture like you have never seen. Created by artist Mónus Béla, it includes mythological references and a chapel inside the trunk, accessible through a door, thus creating a space of peace.

Mikes Kelemen had a troubled life and a long exile in Tekirdağ, Turkey, together with Prince Francis Rakoczy II, to whom he was extremely attached. In the well-known "Letters from Turkey", he always showed his desire to return home to Zagon. Legend has it that he succeeded. He crossed over the Carpathians with a Turkish delegation and, deviating from course, he travelled on horseback alone and returned to his native place for the last time.

Notable names

Today, in the former mansion, there is the Mikes Kelemen Cultural Centre, which keeps alive the memory of the outstanding names fo the place. The memorial halls evoke significant moments in the life of Mikes Kelemen, the pioneer of Hungarian prose; Csutak Vilmos, the first manager of the Szekler National Museum; the actress Kiss Manyi, one of the most prominent figures of Hungarian theatre; the writer and politician Domokos Géza, the first president of the UDMR political organisation.

Make your way to Zagon, the village Mikes Kelemen could never forget, and let the important notable names here tell you their story!

Audio Guide

English - I
English - II

3D Animation

Virtual tour

The Mikes-Szentkereszty Mansion

Zagon, județul Covasna

Access and entry

accesul se face pe bază de bilet.

Access facilities for disabled people


Landmark access

bicycle, walking, by car





Payment methods


Sanitary group in the location or proximity



in proximity

Visiting schedule

vara: luni – duminica 08:00 - 16:00 | iarna: luni – vineri 08:00 - 16:00 | sâmbătă – duminică 09:00 - 14:00

Tourist guide

român, maghiar


copii: 0-6 ani – gratis | 6 -18 ani – 5lei | adulți: 10 lei | elevii, studenții, persoane cu dizabilități, militari - 50 % din prețul întreg.


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