The Fort at Zlatna Trâmpoiele

Archaeological excavations carried out in 2017 at Trâmpoiele, on the saddle near the peak of Grohaș in the Metaliferi Mountains, revealed a fortified observation tower (burgus) dating back to the Roman era.

The small-sized fortification was strategically located at an altitude of 940 meters, offering an excellent view over the Apuseni Mountains. From this vantage point, the Romans could monitor several mountain routes that intersected nearby.

Moreover, the fortification was less than 12 km away from the ancient Ampelum (today's Zlatna), which served as the administrative center of the mining district.

Thus, the observation tower at Trâmpoiele was part of the Roman fortifications in the gold-bearing area of the province of Dacia, erected for the purpose of controlling and defending the mining centers and access routes they served.

Architectural features

Currently, the fortification at Trâmpoiele is visible on the ground. The very well-preserved rampart indicates its rectangular shape. Its sides measure approximately 33 x 34 meters. The defensive system consisted of an earthen and stone bastion, the preserved remnants of which measure 1.3 meters in height and 5.4 meters in width. It was surrounded by an outer ditch, which had a depth of 1.7 meters.

Archaeological research also revealed an interior stone and earth construction, measuring 6 meters in length. This represents the base of the observation tower, which was likely constructed of wood.

The Legend of the Red Apple Fortress

The Roman fortification at Trâmpoiele is known to locals as the Fortress at Red Apple, and around it, many stories and legends have been woven.
The name is said to come from the shape of the mountain in that place, round, tall, and bulging, resembling an apple. Locals have always believed that the mountain is hollow inside and hides within it a Turkish fortress with many treasures, including even a golden calf. However, all these are associated with a heavy curse, so those who dare to seek these riches either lose their minds or are carried by evil spirits through deep ravines, with no way back.

Unique Experiences

You are near Zlatna, a town located on the upper course of the Ampoi Valley. It's a unique opportunity to discover picturesque places, traditional houses, beautiful and hospitable people.

You will discover impressive nature, with gorges, cliffs, caves, karst plateaus, and springs. You can choose from Feneșului Gorges, Limestone Formations at Valea Mică, Bulbuci Stone, the Natural Bridge at Valea Naibii, or the Narcissus Glade at Negrileasa. Wherever you go, you will enjoy truly spectacular landscapes.

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The Fort at Zlatna Trâmpoiele

Trâmpoiele, județul Alba

Sanitary group in the location or proximity


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Landmark access

bicycle, walking, by car



Access and entry

free entry


Other landmarks from Route of Roman castra
