The Unitarian Church in Sânvăsii

The church in Sânvăsii is one of the most remarkable architectural achievements in the region. In addition to the well-known and valuable relics related to the history of architecture, the church still hides numerous archaeological remains that could bring us closer to a better understanding of the events of the early medieval period in Transylvania.

It is believed that the early church, the one on whose foundation the current building was built, was erected on the occasion of the canonization of King Ladislaus in the year 1192. The settlement took its name from the patron of this church dedicated to the knight king, Nyárádszentlászló, which translates to Saint Ladislaus of Niraj.

From one of the legends, we also learn that at the edge of the village of Sânvăsii, a stream called Fântâna Regelui springs up, where it is believed that, while hunting, King Ladislaus would have rested and drunk from the well's water.

Architectural features 

The church is made up of a rectangular nave, respectively the apse with three sides, supported by a single buttress on the southeast side. Through the north side of the apse one can enter the adjacent sacristy, which, in turn, allows access to the tower with an open porch.

The carpentry pieces inside come from the 17th and 18th centuries. Only faded traces of the original paintings are visible on the panels at the front of the benches, but some dates can also be discerned: 1648, 1694 or 1707.

The liturgy table and the crown of the pulpit are two pieces dating from the 18th century, which stand out for their beauty, both pieces were restored by Ferenc Mihály in the 2000s.

Another special element is the wooden door located on the western facade of the church. It consists of two layers of boards, the outer one being decorated by neat riveting. On the outside, the erased traces of a Latin inscription can still be seen.

In the apse and on the inside of the triumphal arch you can notice the plaster painted in the late Gothic style, preserved fragmented to the present day, where biblical figures have been rendered with care and dedication. A decorative strip of corbels separates the gallery of apostles from the canvas of the vault, which has been decorated with imitations of tracery, the background being uniformly painted in blue and enclosed by six-pointed stars.

 Unique experiences

In the vicinity of the 800-year-old church is the village school, also more than 100 years old. People who love this village have set up a museum of the old school and a workshop with 13 traditional weaving looms here.
The classrooms seem frozen in time 40 years ago, with all the furniture and all the teaching materials of that time: wooden benches with folding chairs, the abacus, the globe with the state division of that time, the map of the country hanging on a nail and even and a pioneer ring tie.

Local people wish that when tourists come to visit the old church, they also come to discover this school museum and take the time to learn the craft of weaving a traditional carpet, because for them this place means the survival of the faith and culture of the small village lost among the hills.

If you are planning a trip through this area, we recommend that you schedule your visit to the museum and the weaving mill on 0741 673 169. You will be in for a treat, no doubt!

Audio Guide

The Unitarian Church in Sânvăsii

Sânvăsii, județul Mureș

Access facilities for disabled people




Access and entry

free entry. 



Payment methods


Tourist guide

 romanian, english, hungarian 



Landmark access

by car

Sanitary group in the location or proximity


Visiting schedule

the church opens upon request, with prior telephone booking. 



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