Roman Catholic Church "Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary" in Armășeni, Ciucsângeorgiu

The Gothic church of the settlement, hidden at the foot of the Ciuc Mountains, is built on Romanesque foundations and stands out not only for its circular ornaments and the construction of the sacristy but also for the preserved Gothic mural paintings. Medieval documents mention the village church for the first time in 1583. It has been rebuilt several times, with its current form dating back to the mid-19th century.

The church dedicated to the "Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary", through the representations of Saint Mary and the eight holy women near the altar, provides space for the expression of timeless feminine sacredness, filtered and mediated through Christianity. It is rare to find places of worship with so many representations of holy women. 

This spiritual energy has inspired some anthropological interpretations from a feminine perspective, even the legend of Saint Ladislaus, which we find in a few fresco fragments in Armășeni. The woman abducted by the Cumans frees herself in the presence of the hero savior, through a conscious struggle for liberation from the pagans' captivity.

Story of the place

The people of Armășeni sing beautifully. They come joyfully to the liturgy, and, alongside their priest, they participate by singing hymns and liturgical responses. They do it with love and talent. The people who sing in the choir prepare by meeting for rehearsals, making the church liturgies occasions of joy and spiritual closeness among all members of the community. The locals lovingly respect their traditions, and one of the most important and awaited celebrations is the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on the last Sunday of August every year.

A day before this eagerly anticipated celebration, the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary is adorned with flowers. On the following day, the young people of the village, dressed in folk costumes, bring the statue of the Mother of God in a procession to the church. Here, the priest is asked by one of the girls to crown the Holy Virgin with a crown of flowers woven by the young people. After the coronation, the faithful consecration of the Virgin Mary takes place, followed by the solemn procession through the village streets with the statue of the Virgin, the villagers dressed in traditional costumes.

Representation of the Legend of Saint Ladislaus

The vault of the Baroque gallery today covers a significant part of the painted surface. We can only distinguish the last scenes of the legend cycle, namely: the cutting of the Cuman's tendon and his killing. Based on these restored fresco fragments in 2011, it was established that they were painted somewhere between 1410–1420 and are the work of the same master who painted the mural paintings at the Roman Catholic Church in Mihăileni and the Unitarian Church in Dârjiu.

Unique Experiences

If you happen to be in this area, whether in summer or winter, it's worth syncing your schedule with these two significant moments in the local community's life.

On the last Sunday of August, the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary takes place, during which you will take part in a procession of the faithful from Armășeni in festive attire.

Another special moment for the community of Armășeni is Christmas. Based on a local dialect theater text written in 1920 by a few villagers, a Bethlen show was created. The show has been performed annually since then, at the end of Advent, on Christmas Eve.

While you're here, make a stop at the beautiful Adorján Imre Manor, a true masterpiece of authentic architecture from the Fișag Valley region, presenting the status of the Székely nobles. Here you'll discover a household depicting the good life of the 19th century, as it was, and you'll enjoy the hospitality of the hosts. On your way out, pay a visit to the neighbors as well, carried away by the delicious smell of baked goods made here.

Audio Guide

Roman Catholic Church "Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary" in Armășeni, Ciucsângeorgiu

Armășenii Noi, județul Harghita



Landmark access

bicycle, walking, by car

Restaurant or cafe on the premises


Sanitary group in the location or proximity



Access and entry

 free entry. 

Tourist guide


Access facilities for disabled people



in proximity



















Other landmarks from Saint Ladislaus route in Romania
