The reformed church from Pădureni


Located in the very heart of the country, the village of Pădureni seems like an enchanted place. Here, the beauty of nature has always united local people and those from other parts.

See how the green hills stretch, the lush fields, the waters of the nearby lake. You are in the courtyard of the reformed church in Pădureni, built of stone in the 13th century. Rebuilt several times, the church bears the traces of the passage of this old community through the long history of faith. Each stage brought changes to it, each century modified it to its current form which has been preserved since 1887, when reconstruction works were carried out.

Although the interior walls of the church had been decorated with the theme of the legend of Saint Ladislaus, after the Reformation period, the frescoes were covered, and their memory was lost in the mists of time.

Today we know that they depicted Saint Ladislaus and Saint Stephen of Hungary (977-1038) because they were copied in watercolor and pencil by József Huszka in 1891. Based on these drawings, some images were recovered by under lime. Thus, at the level of the organ gallery there is a fragment of the scene of Saint Ladislaus leaving the fortress and a representation of Saint Michael.

After you have enriched yourself with valuable information about the past of this wonderful place, we invite you to explore the mountains near Pădureni, which offer you 17 hiking trails, take a bath in the well with healing water or visit the contemporary refuge made of rammed earth at the border of the village. You won’t regret! 

Representation of the legend of Saint Ladislaus

Fortunately, the place still preserves some frescoes even today. Two walls opposite the church were decorated with the same legend of Saint King Ladislaus, in two different historical periods, but only one of them has passed the test of time and is still here.

At the level of the organ gallery there is a fragment of a work made in the 14th century, which presents the scene of the Exit from the fortress from the legend of Saint Ladislaus, as well as some equestrian figures. A representation of Saint Michael can also be seen under this fragment.

Unique experiences

If you get to these places, you must definitely admire Lake Pădureni from Moacșa-Pădureni, periodically repopulated with fish by the General Association of Sport Hunters and Fishermen from Romania. Here there are specially arranged areas for camping, you can practice windsurfing or simply relax and bathe in its waters.

In addition, you can complete your trip with a visit to the Babós-Forró Mansion, which dates back to 1825, to the grave of Gábor Áron, an artillery officer who fell on the battlefield in July 1849, or to Büdöskút, the healing water well.

Hiking lovers will also be delighted to venture to the Bodoki Mountains near Pădureni, where they can follow different routes on a stretch of 170 km. 

Audio Guide

The reformed church from Pădureni

Pădureni, județul Mureș

Access and entry

 free entry. 

Sanitary group in the location or proximity




Visiting schedule

based on telephone reservation, with respect to the liturgical schedule.


in proximity

Access facilities for disabled people


Tourist guide

 romanian language | hungarian language 

Landmark access

bicycle, walking, by car




Other landmarks from Saint Ladislaus route in Romania
