The Herina Evangelical Church

Romanesque architectural treasures abound throughout Transylvania. Most are concentrated in the southern part of the region, but equally splendid examples can be found in the north. If you find yourself in Herina, in Bistrița-Năsăud County, you'll be able to admire a white gem known as the Evangelical Church. It is in a very well-preserved state.

Brief historical insight
The church in Herina is one of the most representative Romanesque constructions not only in Romania but also in Central Europe in the 13th century. On-site, you can hear extraordinary stories about kings and princesses, nobles and architects, all of whom contributed to the construction and preservation of this impressive ecclesiastical monument.
The building has a basilica-like structure with three naves, accompanied by two towers at the front, framing a portal with a semicircular opening. Oriented towards the east, the main nave ends with a semicircular apse, while the side naves have rectangular closures on the exterior and semicircular apses on the interior. Medieval documents attest that starting from the year 1200, Herina was included in the extensive feudal domain of Dionysius Kacsics, who served as treasurer at the court of King Andrew II, and the church was initially dedicated to St. Peter.
Over the centuries, the church changes owners numerous times, but they do not intervene, as is often the case, in modifying the architecture of the building. Impressive is the finely carved tabernacle, altar, and pulpit, which, through their simplicity, urge you to piety. An extraordinary view is revealed to visitors through the windows in the north gallery or from the height of the two towers.

Specifics of the area
The landscape of Herina is dominated by the hill called "Hagău," the highest in the region, where salt mining has been carried out since Roman times. It should also be mentioned that the name of the locality Herina has origins in the Celtic language, where "halina" signifies salt.
The Romanesque church appears as a guardian watching over the locals from much more turbulent times than the present ones. Surely, this place of worship, if it could speak, would have much to tell. And about tumultuous times but also about happy periods.

Invaluable treasures
The entire architectural ensemble is itself a jewel. This type of Romanesque construction is rarely encountered in Eastern Europe. The slender forms and architectural details are truly special.

The church has maintained its unity and Romanesque style without undergoing significant modifications due to restoration work carried out in the last decade of the 19th century.

Audio Guide

The Herina Evangelical Church

Herina, județul Bistrița-Năsăud

Tourist guide


Payment methods



in proximity

Access facilities for disabled people


Sanitary group in the location or proximity




Visiting schedule

 from tuesday to sunday, as follows: october-march: 09:00-17:00 | april-september: 10:00-18:00 



Access and entry

 access is based on a ticket. 


adult: 8 lei/person children/students: 2 lei/person students/military/pensioners: 4 lei/person

Landmark access

bicycle, walking, by car


Other landmarks from Route of fortified churches
