The wooden Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God - Racovița

Under rehabilitation

The plain stretches all around. The white church with its slender tower looks like a swan floating on the green sea of the Western Plain. Noted since the interwar period, the church in Căpăt village, Racovița commune, became one of the first churches of its kind in Banat to come under the protection of the Law of Historical Monuments.

Starting from 1645 it "grew" with each century that added something to it. On the weathered wood you can read its first ages. Here the painter was the very time that left traces and symbols that your eye, the visitor, will try to decipher fascinated by their mystery.

What makes it special is the fact that in this part of the country there are less than ten wooden churches built in the technique specific to Banat. Usually, a plaster of earth mixed with chaff or chopped straw is applied to buildings built from wood using this technique.

It was not paved with boards, apart from a small bridge placed towards the nave, before the altar table. Therefore, when you step inside, you will have the earth under your feet and the sky above: from the vault painted with stars and angels, from the middle of the sky, Jesus blesses you. You are in a place under the sign of divinity!   

Brief historical foray

The exact date of construction is not known, there are several hypotheses related to it. For example, dendrochronological investigations would indicate the year 1645, when the building would actually have been moved. Theories show that after 1685, works were carried out on the foundations, structure and tower of the church. The year 1778 is specified by the church inventory from 1816 as the year of the construction of the chapel and the creation of the interior paintings.

Also, the current form of the interior of the place of prayer dates approximately from the second half of the 18th century or the beginning of the 19th century.

Thus, although the assumptions related to the time of construction of the ecclesiastical monument are multiple, what is certain is that it was erected somewhere between the 17th and 19th centuries.

Architectural features

The place of worship is built of oak wood and has a resistance structure made up of vertical posts. The church respects the traditional architectural plan, being divided into pronaos, naos and altar.

Inside, the pronaos is separated from the nave by a plank parapet, bordered by two wooden pillars. It can be seen that the iconostasis has a characteristic cut of the Banat folk baroque, a feature frequently found on the pediment of peasant houses.

Also, the painting present on the iconostasis is organized around the central figure of the Savior, so that on the left and right we find oval medallions in which apostles are depicted.

Unique experiences

If you have arrived in this part of the country, we recommend that you also go to the climatic resort of Buziaș, located nearby. Here you will be able to relax and enjoy the benefits of thermal water, rich in minerals and recognized for its therapeutic effects. 

Audio Guide

The wooden Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God - Racovița

Căpăt, județul Timiș


under rehabilitation

Sanitary group in the location or proximity


Access facilities for disabled people




Landmark access

bicycle, walking, by car


in proximity, own


Other landmarks from Route of wooden churches
