Vernacular Heritage of Petrova Commune

On the banks of the Vișeu River, in the heart of the beautiful Maramureș Depression, you will discover an area steeped in history and tradition, where every corner hides the story of a blessed place - the village of Petrova. The enchanting landscape, with the high hills of the Vișeu Ridge and the authentic architecture of the households, will take you on a journey through time and space.

Each house, with its veranda or porch in front, preserves the charm of Maramureș tradition, reflecting the historical and cultural changes in the area. Discover the traditional houses with simple plans, built of wood and covered with shingles, which preserve the authenticity of traditional architecture. Every detail, from the four-sided roofs to the well-kept gardens and welcoming gates, tells a story about the peaceful life and the community of Petrova's inhabitants.

Additionally, the household annexes add charm to the rural landscape. The barns, cellars, haystacks, and livestock shelters are testimonies of traditional agricultural life, offering you an authentic glimpse into how the residents of this area care for their land and animals.

Enjoy the beauty and authenticity of Petrova commune, a treasure of Maramureș that will delight your soul and take you through the history and traditions of this wonderful place.

Story of the place

The discovery of a Neolithic stone axe in Petrova changed the history of the community about 2000 years ago, proving the existence of people in the area about 6000 years ago. This revelation sparked enthusiasm in the community, emphasizing the importance of preserving and studying archaeological objects. Until this discovery, only the existence of bronze objects from this area was known, which attested to the presence of people during the period 2000-800 BC.

The mayor intends to open a local museum to house the axe and other relevant artifacts from the history of Petrova commune. This archaeological discovery offers a new perspective on local history and underscores the importance of researching and preserving cultural heritage.

Notable names

Gheorghe Bilașcu, born in Petrova in 1863, studied medicine and became a prominent dentist in Budapest, esteemed by aristocrats and financial magnates. In 1919, he took over the management of a dental clinic in Cluj, contributing to the development of this discipline in Romania.

Alexandru Filipașcu, born in Petrova in 1902, was a historian, professor, journalist, priest, and mayor. After studying in Cluj, he dedicated himself to theology and philosophy, then worked as a teacher and mayor in Sighetu Marmației. Converting to Orthodoxy, he taught at the Orthodox Theological Institute in Cluj and made significant contributions to the historiography of Maramureș and the Orthodox Church. He left an important legacy in Romanian culture.

Audio Guide

Vernacular Heritage of Petrova Commune

Petrova, județul Maramureș

0262363130 - Primăria Comunei Petrova

Landmark access

bicycle, walking, by car




in proximity


Other landmarks from Route of villages with traditional architecture
