Traditional households in Atid, Harghita


If you have arrived at Atid, in Harghita, well, the past opens up to you like a book with many pages. Bronze vestiges, Dacian coins, Roman vessels were found here, churches were built, traditional households, and also here... thousands of straw hats were woven!

We invite you to visit these villages. They are real open-air museums, with their old, milk-white houses with wooden shutters and embroidery on the porches. Don't leave the place without seeing the reformed church. Once burned to the ground, so that even the bells melted, it was rebuilt, and today, like the phoenix bird, it watches over the heart of the community.

You will particularly appreciate the traditional Szekler cuisine. Don't leave here without trying Szekler goulash, cheese pies, polenta and other local delicacies. They are unforgettable, just like your entire experience here will be!

Commune and sights to visit in the vicinity

The Atid commune includes the villages of Atid, the residence of the commune, Criseni, Cușmed, Inlăceni and Şiclod, whose living history has been intertwined for centuries.

6 km west of Atid we find the village of Crișeni, located on the valley of the Cușmed stream. The border of Harghita county, the locality was in 1879 a cultural center of the art of making straw hats and decorative straw objects.

It's amazing, but they have their own museum! Small and large, all models of straw hats fill the rooms of a traditional house in the village of Criseni. Outside you can see a collection of natural stones, and on the pillars in the courtyard, those who visited the place marked the directions from where they came. You can do it too!

It is no small thing that for 150 years the art of weaving hats and straw objects has been preserved here. In 1879, around a hundred people from the village were engaged in this craft. Even today, most of the inhabitants know how to weave, a custom handed down from generation to generation.

On the site of the current reformed church built in 1820, there has been a church built in the Gothic style since the 16th century.

Guarded by the Semeti mountains, the village of Cușmed is found in the valley of the same name, being documented since 1332. Here you can visit the church of the locality, which has been standing since the 14th century and is faithfully preserved by the parishioners to this day.

Architectural features

The architecture of the commune stands out through traditional houses that preserve specific elements of local traditions. The households are built from traditional materials, abundant in the countryside, such as wood and stone.

The simplicity of the shape of the houses, the decorative elements, but also the pitched and shingled roofs can be found all over the commune. The doors, windows or balconies of the houses are embellished with paintings and carved wood ornaments.

The architectural style varies according to the taste and wishes of the owner, and respect for local cultural values is seen in the simplicity and functionality of the households.

Priceless treasures

Numerous valuable archaeological discoveries were made on the territory of Atid commune, which enriched the national heritage. These include a polished single-edged stone axe, a Bronze Age bronze celt, a Dacian coin of the Philip II type and an imitation tetradrachm of the same type.

On the eastern side of Cetății Hill, in the valley of Pârâul Cetății, a fortification with two trenches was discovered, where numerous fragments of adobe, Roman vessels, but also ceramic fragments of impure paste came to light.

Audio Guide

Traditional households in Atid, Harghita

Atid, județul Harghita


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Landmark access

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Other landmarks from Route of villages with traditional architecture
