Traditional households in Mugeni commune


It stretches on both banks of the Târnava Mare River and offers concentrated almost everything that means the culture of Transylvania. Neolithic vestiges were discovered here, medieval brothels and here you can also see old monumental churches.

Mugeni commune attracts tourists through its traditional architecture, folklore, but also through its culinary traditions. Walking through the village you can admire the craftsmanship of the peasants who built their homes with their own skill, lasting hundreds of years.

The talent and ingenuity of the inhabitants can also be seen in the carving of the gates. They created a fairy tale world with abstract and symbolic forms, organic, botanical and animal, cosmic and especially religious motifs.
The main occupations of the inhabitants of these lands were, and still are, agriculture and animal husbandry.

Very close to the new ecological currents, these houses can put Transylvania on the map of settlements preserved and returned to tourism, just like the villages of the Vikings or those in the south of France.

Come visit them, that way you can save them too!

Location and accessibility

The Mugeni commune is located in the Mugeni Depression and is made up of 7 villages: Lutița, Beta, Dejuțiu, Mătișeni, Dobeni, Aluniș and Tăietura. Access to the village can be achieved both by road and by rail.

The story of the place

Traditional households are built with local materials: stone, wood, clay, shingles. The house and outbuildings are characteristic of the area, and the shed is a valuable component of the household. As decorative elements we note the porch pillars made according to the traditions of the area, as well as the craftsman beam decorated with ancient floral patterns. In very old buildings, inscriptions of the year of construction can still be found on the beams.
The household consists of a house, summer kitchen, stable and outhouse.

One of the households, over 150 years old, considered the "treasure house", attracts the attention of visitors not only by its architectural beauty, but also by the discovery of various crafts. Here we can see how butter was produced, but wool spinning, pottery, beekeeping, egg penning, carpentry or blacksmithing were not forgotten either.

Unique experiences

Mugeni commune is located within a protected area - Natura 2000, so the flora and fauna are of particular value.

Places of worship in the area can also be visited: the Ensemble of the Reformed Church in Mătișeni, the Reformed Church in Lutița, as well as the Ensemble of the Reformed Church in Mugeni. 

Audio Guide

Traditional households in Mugeni commune

Mugeni, județul Harghita

0266245490 - Primăria Comunei Mugeni


in proximity

Landmark access

bicycle, by car




Other landmarks from Route of villages with traditional architecture
