The Thury-Bányai Castle

Among tall spruce trees and wild chestnuts, in the small village of Tamașfalău in Covasna County, you will catch sight of an imposing yet hidden architectural gem - the Thury-Bányai Castle. 

It is one of the largest buildings in the Trei Scaune region, captivating your gaze with the abundance of Empire-style details adorning its tasteful exterior walls. Indeed, the entire castle is enveloped in an aura of elegance and nobility, characteristic of the early 19th century, when it is presumed to have been built.

The Thúry family erected the mansion. Originating from Hungary, they arrived in Tamașfalău in the early 17th century, and after the death of the most well-known member, deputy Thúry Gergely, the property passed into the possession of the Bányai family. Today, the castle is part of the community's life, serving as a cultural center.

Architectural Features

Based on stylistic characteristics, it is assumed that this building was constructed in the early 19th century, although the possibility of it being a reconstruction of the old Tamásfalvi mansion is not excluded. 

The Thury-Banyai Castle has a rectangular shape, with different facade forms. Thus, the main facade is accentuated by two lateral projections and Empire-style garland decorations, while the part facing the garden features an elegant porch supported by wooden columns, placed above a row of arches.

Story of the Place

From the elders who lived through the glory days of the castle, or who heard from their grandparents, we gather vague fragments of stories about the "Hill of Shame," the "Bear Dance," or the "Ghost of Miss Loti" who is said to haunt the castle's cellars.

On the other hand, one of the village elders, Mr. Béla Szőcs, born in 1920, brings to attention a memory of his family related to a piece of furniture from the castle, owned by Gergely Thúry. The legend of the green table thus takes shape: it is said that Gergely Thúry greatly enjoyed gambling with cards. So much so that one day he paid a serious price for his "entertainment."

The village gossips say that Mr. Kristóf, the father of Mr. Bányai, won from Gergely Thúry all the properties in Tamásfalvi, the castle, and even his wife. The huge loss shook Mr. Thury so much that he requested another round of play to at least regain his wife - Mária Bíró de Csíkszentkirály.

Take your time to discover its brilliance, grandeur, and immortal spirit in tranquility!

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The Thury-Bányai Castle

Tamașfalău, județul Covasna

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Landmark access

bicycle, railroad, walking, by car


in proximity, own




Other landmarks from Route of curias from Transylvania
