Delta Cuisine

In the vibrant heart of the Danube Delta, where the waters meet the sky in a spectacle of pure nature, there is a culinary treasure waiting to be discovered: Fisherman's Borscht. This dish, more than a simple recipe, is a story of the community, a tradition handed down from generation to generation, prepared with pride and passion by Lipovan fishermen directly on the waters of the Delta.

Daybreak finds the local fishermen in their boats, along with a selection of freshly caught fish – pike, catfish, carp, bream – each adding its own distinct note to the final flavor of the borscht. Water is added to a cauldron placed on a stove placed right in the boat, and the culinary journey begins with the boiling of potatoes and onions.

As the sun begins to warm the waters of the delta, the fish are carefully added, starting with the firmer-fleshed ones. Once they share their essence with the water, the rest of the catch is added. Optionally, tomatoes can refresh the taste, adding a touch of summer, and lovage or celery complete the aromatic experience.

Served alongside a garlic sauce, fish borscht is not just a meal, but a moment of connection with the spirit of the Delta, an invitation to enjoy the beauty and simplicity of life in these lands.

By discovering fish borscht, you enrich yourself not only with a recipe, but with a part of the soul of the Danube Delta, a region where tradition and nature intertwine in an eternal dance. It is a testimony to life in harmony with the waters, a celebration of diversity and cultural richness, where every meal is a story, every taste a memory.

Traditional local products

  • "Deltaica" salad with carp roe (traditional salad with carp roe) - a representative product of the Danube Delta, being indispensable at all fish meals in the area;  
  • "Deltaica" salad with pike roe - a representative product of the Danube Delta, being essential for all fish meals in the area.
  • Pastrami "Deltaica" of silver carp - product obtained from fresh carp fillets, passed through a mixture of spices and herbs seasoned with garlic and thyme.
  • "Deltaica" Sardeluta marinated in oil - product obtained by marinating Black Sea sprat (locally called "kiulca") in a mixture of dry Dobrogen white wines, sugar, oil and wine vinegar.
  • "Deltaica" Sardeluta marinated in spicy oil - product obtained by marinating Black Sea sprat (locally called "kiulca") in a mixture of dry Dobrogen white wines, sugar, oil, spices and wine vinegar.
  • "Deltaica" silver carp batog - product obtained from silver carp fillets sprinkled with green pepper and cold smoked, with hardwood.
  • "Deltaica" wels catfish batog - product obtained from wels catfish fillets sprinkled with green pepper and cold smoked, with hardwood.
  • "Deltaica" wels catfish pastrami - product obtained from fresh wels catfish fillets, passed through a mixture of spices and herbs seasoned with garlic and thyme.
  • Smoked shads from the Danube - traditional Romanian product with a "European passport" of protected geographical indication (PGI certificate).
  • Tulcea pike roe salad - traditional Romanian product with a "European passport" of protected geographical indication (PGI certificate).

Audio Guide

English - part I
English - part II


Other landmarks from Route of traditional Romanian gastronomy
