Tasty Botoșani

Discover Botoșani County, a treasure trove of traditions and history in northeastern Romania. This region, with varied landscapes, from the Săveni Hills to the Moldavian Plain, boasts a diverse and rich culinary heritage. The local cuisine, a mosaic of authentic flavors, represents a perfect combination of tradition and innovation. Botoșani is known for its traditional products, with cheeses being the most numerous documented products of the region. 

These are grouped around cow's milk dairy products, with the most representative product being the Săveni Cheese, protected at the European level, a symbol of the culinary mastery of the region. Producers are present in several localities throughout the county, in Vlăsinești, Săveni, and Coțușca. Another producer from the northern part of the county, from Păltiniș, is Suhardo. Visits with tasting sessions can be organized at all these producers, with prior notice, for a visit to the production facility, followed by a tasting of cheese specialties. Cold cuts are the second most well-known product, reflecting local history with cultural influences, or those from Jews and Armenians who lived in the area, through old recipes, generations of well-known butchers and charcutiers. Visits with tastings can be organized at Stejarul Butchery and at the producer from Orășeni, La Cătălin.

In addition to these, the area boasts a variety of dishes, reflecting the cultural richness of its inhabitants: from "tochitură" (a traditional Romanian pork stew), to Moldavian cabbage rolls, called "găluște" in the Bucovina area. Equally defining are the authentic desserts of this region.

"Coliva" a symbolic dessert, plays a central role in local gastronomy. This dish, made from a mixture of boiled wheat, milk, sugar, ground nuts, vanilla, and cinnamon, is not just a dessert, but also an important element in rituals and religious celebrations. Each step of the recipe, from boiling the wheat to the final baking, is carried out with care and respect for tradition.

As for the delicious "Cozonac Domnesc," a traditional certified product, much can be said. Its recipe combines authentic tastes and traditions, and we will share the secret of its preparation with you in the following. Let's get cooking!

We start with the basic ingredients, recommending some of superior quality: white wheat flour without improvers, fresh eggs from backyard poultry, butter, cow's milk, sour cream, sunflower oil, yeast, sugar, walnut kernels, Turkish delight, and raisins. And last but not least, cocoa for a special flavor.

To begin, all the ingredients must be brought to room temperature at least 8 hours in advance. This way, they will combine perfectly in the dough. We knead the dough with love and patience until it becomes elastic and doubles in volume, letting it rise in a warm place. During this time, we prepare the walnut filling, mixing the traditionally dried walnut kernel, with intense and refined taste, with the Turkish delight and raisins.
Let's add these treasures to our dough, getting ready for a fairy tale-like "cozonac." When the dough is ready, we divide it, carefully roll it out, and generously add the prepared filling. Then, with a delicate motion, we roll and weave the dough beautifully. The "cozonac" is placed in trays and left to rise until it fills the tray. The last step, baking, transforms the "cozonac" into a golden marvel, with a crispy crust and a fluffy and aromatic interior.

We hope this recipe brings you joy and delights your senses!

Further exploring Botoșani, you will have the opportunity to participate in cultural events and local festivals, where you can taste traditional dishes and learn about the culinary art of the region. This gastronomic journey will reveal not only the local flavors and tastes but also the stories and traditions that have shaped them.

Some certified traditional products:
  • Rose vinegar, rose jam, and rose syrup "Mihaela's Delight"
  • "Cozonac Domnesc," "Poale-n brâu," and Moldovan "alivenci" - "Cozonac Domnesc"
  • Traditional cheese - Vlăsie Company Vlăsinești
  • Sweet whey, sour cream, cow's milk cheese, Suhardo cheese - Suhardo Păltiniș
  • Cheese, kneaded cheese, "caș," sweet whey - Viofanny Săveni
  • Cheese - Lelița
  • Cheese - Genys
  • Pork pastrami, smoked neck, filet mignon, veal pastrami, smoked sausages - I.I. Tatarciuc Botoșani
  • Plum brandy from Rădeni - Vasile Ciobanu
All these traditional products can be tasted and purchased at fairs and culinary events held in Botoșani County:
  • Weekend Fair "Product from BOTOȘANI" - an annual fair organized around the National Day of Romanian Agri-food Products
  • Agro-Zoo Fair Popăuți - an annual fair organized by the Popăuți Research Station in collaboration with the Association of Technical Plant Cultivators and the Agricultural Directorate
  • Vlăsinești Wine Festival
  • Must Festival at Conac Zăicești
  • Pie Festival at Stăuceni
  • Garlic Festival at Copălău.

Audio Guide

English - I
English - II
Tasty Botoșani

Județul Botoșani

0231519519 - Centrul Național de Informare și Promovare Turistică Botoșani


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