The wooden church "St. Demetrius" in Larga


The wooden church dedicated to "Saint Demetrius the Martyr" in Larga wonderfully illustrates the craftsmanship of folk artists from Lăpuș Land.

Its considerable antiquity appears from the inscription above the entrance door, which mentions the year of repair, 1802, during the reign of Francis I, Emperor of Austria.

Your eyes are immediately drawn to the bell tower, with gazebo and balcony, above which rises the helmet with an octagonal base and rounded towards the top.

Famous painters decorated its walls with biblical scenes and elements of nature. In the pronaos you can admire a Wheel of Life, marking the main stages of human life, symbolized by human faces instead of spokes. The whole painting is special, standing out for the brightness and harmony of the chosen colors.

And you have the opportunity to discover a real treasure springing from the beauty of the Maramures soul!

The uniqueness of the paintings 

The painting inside the holy place was made by different painters, among whom we mention Ioan Zugrav, Radu Munteanu from Ungureni and Gheorghe Opriș from Baia Sprie. The painting in the crucifixion scene mentions that the painting on the vault of the nave and on the pediment dates from 1824.

In addition to the Wheel of Life, in the pronaos you can also admire the Cycle of the Wise Virgins and that of the Foolish Virgins, the Tree of Life between Abraham and Isaac, as well as the Punishments of Hell.

In the nave is painted a register of standing Saints, as well as scenes from the New Testament. The royal doors no longer exist, but on their portals are painted the faces of Pious Anthony and Saint Euthymius the Great, above which are biblical scenes, linked together by rings that give the impression of a chain. 

Unique experiences

Not far from the village of Larga is Rogoz, where you can visit the wooden Church "Saint Archangels", the Ethnographic Museum "Casa Lăpușeană" or the workshop of the sculptor Nicolae Șerban. Both in Rogoz and in Poiana Botizei, you can also discover mineral water springs.

Audio Guide

The wooden church "St. Demetrius" in Larga

Larga, județul Maramureș

0764272597 - Preot Paroh Adrian Băbuț
Access facilities for disabled people


Access and entry

free entry

Sanitary group in the location or proximity




Visiting schedule

the church opens on request.

Landmark access

walking, by car




Other landmarks from Route of wooden churches
