Traditional households in Roșia Montană

Roșia Montană, steeped in history and cultural richness, maintains its distinct identity through its fascinating story. During the Roman period, known as Alburnus Maior, it became the epicenter of gold mining in the province of Dacia. Archaeological discoveries made over time have gradually revealed the historical wealth of the place: walls, monuments, ornaments, and the famous wax tablets, offering a glimpse into its fascinating past.

The traditional architecture of Roșia Montană, with its stone and wooden houses, serves as a window to its cultural heritage. Each building, with thick walls and sloping roofs, preserves the authenticity of time and the craftsmanship of local artisans. Facades adorned with simple motifs illustrate the community's identity, while galleries and Roman mining shafts, some of the oldest in Europe, add uniqueness to the place.

The attractions surrounding the commune, such as Tăul Mare and Corna, are not just ancient artificial lakes but also testimonies to the technical ingenuity of the local community. These places evoke the glory of mining and reveal how water was used for the hundreds of ore crushing installations that existed at that time in Roșia Montană, essential for the exploitation of precious metal deposits. Through every street, house, and mine, Roșia Montană conveys a captivating story, giving the place a unique character in the country.

Architectural features

The traditional architecture of Roșia Montană reveals a rich cultural and historical heritage. The stone and wooden houses, decorated with skill and mastery, tell their story through every carved detail and ornamented window. These buildings with thick stone walls provide protection against harsh weather and reflect the skills of local craftsmen. A distinctive aspect of the place is represented by the galleries and Roman mining shafts, some of the oldest still preserved in Europe. The architecture of Roșia Montană was shaped by mining activity and adapted over time.

Unique Experiences

The Roșia Montană Mining Museum, founded in the 1970s, houses a unique collection of mining tools and Roman galleries with a length of 400 meters open to visitors, including a surface mine from the Roman period. Archaeological discoveries show the historical importance of Roșia Montană as a mining center since the beginning of our era. Gold mining had a significant impact on the community, influencing social, economic, and cultural aspects.

Events such as Miner's Day bring the community together to celebrate their common heritage.

Audio Guide

Traditional households in Roșia Montană

Roșia Montană, județul Alba

0258783101 - Primăria Comunei Roșia Montană

Landmark access

bicycle, walking, by car




in proximity


Other landmarks from Route of villages with traditional architecture
