5 surprising things you didn’t know about castles
The Castle Route takes us on a legendary journey in the footsteps of knights, through Romania's castles! We travel back to the era of kings, knights, and great battles, in an expedition filled with history and mystery. Together, we pass through halls where the echoes of grand balls still linger, and where royal splendor meets the harsh shadows of long-lost times.
From mysterious ruins to fortifications transformed and restored over centuries, every wall tells the story of a lesser-known European history intertwined with tales and legends. Here, we uncover the secrets of nobles and discover chapters of history full of glory and towering figures, as well as dark times of torture and betrayal.
This journey reveals a multitude of fascinating curiosities, and we hope that some of them will inspire you to plan a trip soon. Below, we’ve gathered five unique details we discovered along the Castle Route, and we invite you to explore them!

1️⃣ Do you know why the Corvin family crest features a raven holding a ring in its beak?
According to legend, John Hunyadi (Iancu de Hunedoara) was the illegitimate son of Sigismund of Luxembourg, King of Hungary, and a beautiful noblewoman from Țara Hațegului, named Elisabeth. When Sigismund learned she was expecting his child, he gifted her a gold ring as a promise to recognize the boy as his heir and married her off to a Romanian noble named Voicu.
As a child, John was playing with the ring during a hunting trip when a raven snatched it. His uncle, skilled in hunting, managed to shoot the raven and recover the precious ring. When John grew older, Elisabeth took him to the royal court to claim his birthright. Upon seeing the ring, the king recognized him as his son, granted him great wealth, and bestowed the family crest—a raven with a gold ring in its beak.
Find out more about Corvin Castle here.
2️⃣ Do you know why Duke Alexander von Württemberg kept Claudia Rhédey’s heart?
The love story of Claudia and Alexander adds a touch of romance to the history of Rhédey Castle. Despite her parents’ refusal to approve their marriage due to differences in rank, the two formed a family. Tragically, Claudia, pregnant with their fourth child, died prematurely in a tragic accident during a long journey.
Alexander could not accept the loss of his beloved and mourned her for the rest of his life. Before her burial in Sângeorgiu de Pădure, he had her heart removed and kept it. Years later, he was buried alongside her heart.
Find out more about Rhédey Castle here.
3️⃣ Do you know which great figures attended cultural soirées at Sturdza Castle?
Located just 20 km from Roman, in the heart of a romantic park, lies a place straight out of a fairy tale: Sturdza Castle in Miclăușeni. With a rich history full of fascinating characters and the air of an era where elegance and erudition were valued, visiting the castle offers a wonderful chance to revisit bygone times through the power of imagination.
Walking through the elegant halls, one can picture the prominent figures who attended cultural soirées hosted by the Sturdza-Ghica family: King Carol I, Mihail Kogălniceanu, George Enescu, Nicolae Iorga, and many others.
Find out more about Sturdza Castle here.
4️⃣ Do you know why Ugron Castle is called the "calendar castle"?
Ugron Castle in Zau de Câmpie boasts a long history filled with fascinating events. It is best known locally for its "calendar castle" structure, which symbolizes units of time through architectural elements.
The name comes from its unique design: 365 windows representing the days of the year, 4 towers for the seasons, 12 halls for the months, 52 rooms for the weeks, and 7 terraces symbolizing the days of the week.
Find out more about Ugron Castle here.
5️⃣ Do you know why Ion Ghica Manor is a significant landmark in Romanian culture and literature?
Marked by the legacy of the great politician Ion Ghica, this manor has hosted prominent figures of Romanian and European political, literary, and artistic life. Over the years, guests included Vasile Alecsandri, George Enescu, Costache Negri, Alexandru Odobescu, Nicolae Grigorescu, Sir John Lawrence (British statesman and Viceroy of India), and many others.
Renowned musicians of the time visited the music room to accompany Alexandrina, Ion Ghica's wife, a celebrated pianist. Sabina Cantacuzino’s memoirs mention the manor housed Grigorescu's famous painting, The Gypsy Girl from Ghergani. Some legends even claim that the Romanian Principalities’ Union was planned here.
Find out more about Ion Ghica Manor here.