"GREEN MAN FROM RICHIȘ" Festival, 3rd Edition

Date and time

11 July - 14 July 2024, 10:00 - 20:00


In 2024, the Green Man Foundation organizes the 3rd edition of the "Omul Verde din Richiș" Festival, a continuation of the 2023 edition and the pilot edition of 2022. The purpose of this event is to promote the cultural-tourism development of the small but the picturesque locality Richiș in Biertan commune, Sibiu county.

In the center of this event, the main attraction is the fortified Evangelical Church in Richiș, a very interesting Gothic basilica, over 570 years old, distinguished by the numerous representations of the "Green Man", a carved decorative motif that figures in European Gothic architecture, a symbol of of the renewal of nature and life perpetuated with each season, as well as other symbols from the Celtic world.

The Green Man Foundation, the administrator of the fortified church, organizes the visits and handles its promotion. The promotion of the fortified church in Richiș as part of the cultural route of the "Green Man", which includes 12 other churches and cathedrals in Transylvania (the Evangelical Cathedral in the municipality of Sibiu, the Church of Saint Margaret in Mediaș, etc.) aims to develop a "local brand" and a series of new cultural tourism destinations in the area. This project will be presented during the festival.

The foundation is the promoter of research on the symbolism of the green man, in collaboration with Accademia Templare – Transilvania Section. In addition to promoting the "Green Man" route, the Green Man Foundation wants the festival itself to be a contribution to cultural tourism through the activities carried out, through the authenticity and effervescence of the local community. These will be highlighted through the participation of local producers, craftsmen and artists, from Sibiu County and the surrounding area.

Among the participants are: Association "Acasă la Hundorf", Association "Casa Calfelor" Sibiu, Research Center "Nocrich H.C. Habermann", the "Nosa" Dance Group (Medieval Dance Group) of the "Bistrita Medievală" Cultural Association, the "SiriuS" Artist Troupe, the "Terra Medies" Paladins from Mediaș, the "Ylli Ionela" Band from Sibiu, the "Transilvania" Fanfare , from Cugir and the Animation Theater "Piticot", from Timișoara.
Also, the church and the locality will be highlighted through the classical music concert performed by Opus Mundi and the concert-master Ioan Păuna and artists affiliated with the "Home at Hundorf" Association.

Another important aspect of the festival is the strengthening of the civic life of the local community and its integration into the regional context. Thus, the co-opting of educational institutions such as the Biertan High School and the Automecanica Technological High School in Mediaș aims to integrate students from Richiș and Biertan commune, as well as contributions to the education of students about their geographical area through volunteering.

Also, the partnership with the "Pakiv Romania" Association will provide expertise in the area of ​​social issues regarding disadvantaged groups, with an emphasis on the Roma community, through volunteers. The Association for the Development of the Social Economy - "Fortunatis" from Sibiu, the "My Transylvania Association" and the "Nocrich H.C. Research Center" will also contribute through volunteers. Habermann", A.N.C.E. "Regina Maria" Sibiu thus covering a wide range of issues and offering a major opportunity for an exchange of experience and best practices in the civic field in the region.

Green Man Foundation also manages the tourist information point in Richiș, in partnership with Biertan Town Hall, for the local community and serves the tourist area of ​​the community's needs, the accommodation part and local products.

Action co-financed by the Sibiu County Council and action supported with material, human and financial resources by the City Hall of Biertan Municipality, Sibiu County.

Place/venues: Localitatea Richiș, Commune Biertan, Jud. Sibiu, Str. Main No. 1, Evangelical Church from Richiș, Central Square, Cultural Home from Richiș.


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